Your vessel at Hobsonville Marina

Storing, launching and retrieving your boat couldn’t be easier.

Your Vessel at Hobsonville Marina

Vessels Fastening and Securing

Mooring lines are your responsibility:

  • Please ensure you have adequate mooring lines, that are the right specifications for your boat, and that you check and maintain them regularly. Hobsonville Marina will not cover any costs if your boat is damaged because your mooring lines fail.
  • We may require berth holders by notice to repair inadequate mooring lines within a specified time. If they fail to comply Hobsonville reserves the right to repair such mooring lines on the berthholders behalf and will recover all costs associated with this repair.
Water and Power

Power at Hobsonville Marina is a user pays system:

  • Power outlets at each individual berthage are separately metered and charged on a 2-monthly basis.
  • Moderate usage of water at your berth is included within your monthly opex fee: Only appropriate fittings, which comply with all relevant codes and regulations, may be used.

There is a mobile pump-out facility available at Hobsonville Marina, please contact the marina office for further information on this service.


Currently there is no refuelling facility at Hobsonville Marina. However there is Diesel and Petrol available at our sister facility Bayswater Marina. Refueling at your berth is strictly prohibited.

Electrical Connections

Prior to connecting your vessel to shore power at Hobsonville Marina you must seek prior approval from the marina office and comply with the following criteria:

  • We require all vessels to have a current Electrical Warrant of Fitness (EWoF).
  •  Your vessel must have a minimum of third party insurance cover.
  • All leads used in the connection must have a current safety test and tag.
Connecting an appliance to shore power:

If your boat is not hard wired you will need:

  • A lead that has an IP67 rated 16 amp plug for connection to the marina power supply
  • The lead is fitted with a portable socket-outlet assembly (PSOA) which incorporates overload protection and RCD protection(RCBO)
  • A minimum 16 amp rated continuous lead that is load protected and tested and tagged annually.
  •  Have current vessel insurance
  • You must be in attendance while using power and the PSOA can only be used inside the cabin.